Mon 06 Jan
Want 2Relax? fun n relaxg bodyrub w/ Pretty n sexy hot busty Blonde, U rdy guys :) 454-1249 - 33
(Columbus, 33/S.e Columbus.,nice area)
We dO All thE things thAt shE wOn't dO!!🍒ThAt's right..Yes..EvEn thAt👅💦@ Khole's💏Pleasure Island - 26
(Columbus, 🍒🍷🍓ENCOUNTERS that jingle U'r bELLS)
The ONE & ONLY! Most Talked About Gal! REVIEWED! True SENSUOUS Sessions & COMBO VISITS! *Real Pics* - 32
(270 & Tuttle Crossing Blvd, Dublin, Columbus)
😎Mutual🍶Touch'N Sunday👘@ KHOLE'S👐👘( . )Get in between( . )👘4All💋U'r WkEnd RelaXXXtion👐 - 26
(Columbus, ♛Pleasure U nEEd2Keep It 2gether@Kholes)
🍃Hot Sexy Summer🍌🍦🍓 @ Khole’s💃💃💃R&R; DeStress Zone🎩Relax💕New level of Energy🌺New🍓Studio🎆 - 26
(Columbus, Open Late🍷EROTIC🍒ENCOUNTERSNew🍓Studio)
HIGHLY REVIEWED! Playtime With ASHLYN! Open Minded FUN With INTIMATE Extras! NAUGHTY Entertainment! - 32
(270 & Tuttle Crossing Blvd, Dublin, Columbus)
⏝ ⏠⎠ Daja Santa Baby this year I've been a awful Good Girl - 30
(Columbus, N. Cbus $90 Specials countdown!)
⏝ ⏠⎠ DAjA'S MASSAGE Achieving ImPressive ReSults - 30
(Columbus, www(dot)dajarose(dot)escort-site(dot)com)
AVAIL NOW! Individulized relaxation sessions, all guests leave happy & satisfied! Highly Reviewed! - 25
(Columbus, 23 north & 270 / Worthington / Polaris)
All WoRk, No PlAy? Let this DyNaMic Duo maKe Ur Day:) - 35
(Columbus, Melting Alllll Your StreSS Away:))
Sexy Cat Kholes ×° Stockings , Stilettos, & Toy's 4 Your or ProSt@te TEMPTAT!ON - 26
(Columbus, PRIDE WeekEnd Specials)
the *sweetest * caramel *apple.blogspot . ☃ com Khole's ReLaXation ♨ May Cause S E X I N E S S:) - 26
(Columbus, ♛ALL DAY SUNDAY $75:) ♨)
Holiday Stress✨Are You ready 2 B Pretty💮Relaxed⁉️Pull up 2 My Body🔵Shop 4 a Sudsy💦Hot🔥🔴ily TuneUp💨 - 40
(Columbus, J⚪️y Peace & RelaXation 4 ManKind✨East)
Khole Wears Sexy Stockings Stilettos, & Play's w/ Toy's :) 2x's the Fun HOT SPOT 716-242-9925 - 26
(Columbus, Cold A/C new PIC'S)
Have U found some1👔2strap💕on? Khole🌹the Happy Hedonist🌹w/Sugar Delicious Sasha & Blake👅💦 - 26
(Columbus, YES🍒MOUTHWATER'N ComPaniOnShip @Khole's)
🌸🌸🌸Erotic Touch Sensual Bliss Massages!!🌸🌸🌸Relax and unwind with a Sexy Beauty🌸🌸🌸 - 29
(Columbus, North columbus)
💋💨Hot Young Busty 40G Stallion💦Oily💦Body2Body Pros8Nuru Massage Always Avail💦💋 - 28
(All of Columbus 🚗🚘 incall M-F 8a-3p, Columbus)
Sun 05 Jan
Want 2Relax? fun n relaxg bodyrub w/ Pretty n sexy hot busty Blonde, U rdy guys Call*454-1249* - 33
Thirsty Thursday CLEAN Safe Disceet Location @ Khole's👘Warm oil &👐( . )( . )💋60&90 min Specials♔ - 26
(Columbus, 👘Khole'sNewalldaySpecials614-980-9512😎)
Thursday Relaxation for 2 ♨ AROUSe'N all U’r SenSes ♨ KHOLE'S BoDy WorXX ♨ Rated ® 4 the Mature - 26
(Columbus, ♛Start or Finish w/Hot Erotic SHOWER♨)
What Have YOU Done For U Lately ♨ Pure Bliss w/KHOLE ♨ Here 4 U New Monday POST @ Blog & Twitter - 26
(Columbus, thesweetestcaramelapple.blogspot .com)
█❀║❀█❀║❀║❀█ "NEW MASSEUSE" !! ▬▬▬█❀║❀█❀║❀║❀█▬▬ P e r f e c t _C h o i c e_S p a_! █❀║❀█❀║❀║❀█ tgs - 24
(Cleveland, Call us 330-373-0303 █❀║❀█❀║❀║❀█ █❀║❀█❀║)
♪ Khole's Happy♪ Place ♪ KeeP’N the MooD GoiNg ♪EXperience My L♪!n♪g-man or Prostate Thr!LL - 26
(Columbus, colda/cNewTimesNewLookatHOTSPOT)
Khole store'N lotS of ENERGY&SENSUAL; Appetite in My NICE Warm CURVY BODY😼 hOt oil 💋 & (. )(. ) 4 U - 26
(Columbus, ♛Hot Erotic SHOWER HaPpyLingan-prostate)
Khole's♨T.G.I.F ♥ I KN◯W Jus† H◯W T◯ MAKє Y◯U SMϊLє ♥ take off all U'r clothes:) - 26
(Columbus, thesweetestcaramelapple.blogspot .com)
Let's get hot w/Sexy busty blonde w/roamg hands 4sensual Erotic bodyrub~don't miss out guys!! *Spcl* - 33
(70*Wst Cols/ **Can Trvl too Othr areas, Columbus)
European BOMBSHELL! Mature, Educated & BEAUTIFUL! Offering Erotic & SENSUAL Visits! HIGHLY REVIEWED! - 32
(270 & Tuttle Crossing Blvd, Columbus)
\(^,^)/ Lèts gët relaxed! Getta massage that'll rival the best spas!(^,^)/ - 23
(Columbus, Columbus Ohio)
Sexy Cat Kholes ×° Stockings , Stilettos, & Toy's 4 Your L!ng-man or ProSt@te TEMPTAT!ON - 26
(Columbus, PRIDE WeekEnd Specials)
Let's get warm w/Sexy n busty blonde w/roamg hands 4sensual Erotic bodyrub~don't miss out guys!! * - 33
(Columbus, Nrth Cols/ **Can Trvl too Out of Twn.)
Khole's Happy Hedonist are 👐'N U👔w/eXotic Melody✨Waves crash'N Star's Burst'N w/in U’r Body EnJoy° - 26
(Columbus, Khole's°~MondaySlowGrindQuality🛀Time💏)
🍃Hot Sexy Summer🍌 🍦 🍓 @ Khole’s💃💃💃R&R; DeStress Zone🎩Relax 💕New level of Energy🌺Shower INCLUDED☀️ - 26
(Columbus, Open Late🍷Nite 4EROTIC 🍒🍓ENCOUNTERS)
Khole's•★• ° ° {S!MPLY } •:*• EROT!C ☆ ¨*:• { @M@Z!NG } Monday:*★¨*: • { eNCouNTeRs}•: *¨•☆*:• - 26
(Columbus, w*w*w.thesweetestcaramelapple.b*l*o*g*s*)
I Aim To Please!👑Sensual Nude Body Rub!💦Let Me Show You Now!👯No Wait! No Games! 📲(614)657-9003 - 23
(Columbus, Outcall Anytime! Let Me Come To U!!!!)
HOT Oil♥ RuBDoWns♥UP CLOSE N 3D♥ w/a CoCoNut S_l_i_d_e ♥ fEEl My Body G_l_i_d_e;) - 100
(Columbus, BRRRRRRR CoZy Up On My New HEATED Table!)
Say hello to the month of July & take an evening for yourself! Avail Now! - 25
(Columbus, 23 & 270 / POLARIS /WORTHINGTON)
Sat 04 Jan
—★★—★—Wonderfull Soothing relaxing new Asian beautiful Lady massage —★ —(513)448-8128—★—★—★—★—★ - 24
(4217 Richardson Rd,Independence, KY 4105, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton)
💖U'll L💖ve Spend'N Quality Time 🛀 @ Khole's🍒Great Assets🍓Mouth Water'N Skills👅💦Sexy Demeanor - 26
*¨¨* §w A§ HAvn *-:¦:-* Bu *-:¦:-* *¨ NaUgHY A§ HLL Enjoy A Sexy Ayurvedic massage - 30
(161/71 north)
🎩We are early🐥🐥🐥who love2get U'r worm🐍Khole's Here2Fulfill Those Neglected Needs💆614-980-9512 - 26
(Call614-980-9512Kholes4SamedayAppt💃💃💃, Columbus)
👉👉👍👍two thumbs up- ✨🙏magic fingers, 💪strong arms.➕👸beautiful‼💯LEGIT! So relaxing, ppl have dozed of - 23
Sexy RelaXXXation w/Sinfully🍉Jμ¡©¥ 🍭gRiP's⭐MiNd😉💨BL¤₩¡NG L💋Ps&T;👣E cu💫ing Skills👐( . )🍶( . ) - 26
(Columbus, Wkend 💃💃💃 Happy🍒Happy🍶Massage😎)
w ☃ w ☃ w ☃ . the *sweetest * caramel *apple.blogspot . ☃ com £uCk¥ WiNN€RS cLaiM U'r Bl - 26
(Columbus, pic's specials @ Blogger not found on BP)
@ Khole’s👐We take U away🎩from Stress&Strain; of everyday life🛀Just What U late w/shower - 26
(Columbus, Khole's💏open Late 4 Nite 🛀 Caps💏Enjoy)
**~❦New 2 Columbus❄ Specials ❅ Put ☆ LayLa's ❄Sexy ❅Cozy Slow Grind☆ on your 2014 TO DO LIST!!! ❅ ❄❄ - 28
(Columbus, North columbus ❄❄ ❅ Looking for regulars)
Khole’s T.G.I.F💃💃💃Sexy HEART RAC'N RelaXXX'N Hr👐2 Refresh U’r Senses & put a Smile on Ur face🎩 - 26
(Columbus, E. Khole's💃💃💃all Over U'r Body👨)
😻✨Great Reviews💦👅Let Me Pamper You With My Magical Hands🙌😻Book Today💋😘 - 22
(Columbus, ✨Whitehall/reynoldsburg✨Out/Incalls)
:) End of Summer, blonde Sexy n Exotic busty Girl w/soft hands,,Call Me n Play Guys!! *614-233-1273 - 30
(Columbus, Northwst Columbus & Areas)
EROTIC And SENSUAL Visits With MATURE BEAUTY! One Of A Kind! Let's Have MUTUAL FUN! Real Photos! - 32
(270 & Tuttle Crossing Blvd, Dublin, Columbus)
All WoRk, No PlAy? Let this DyNaMic DuO maKe Ur DaY:) StreSs RelieF in a SinGle BouNd! - 35
(Columbus, Melting Alllll Your StreSS Away:))
FunNy hOw TiMe Flys When U'r Hav'N Fun Givers give takers accept.Can U accept while giv'N?@Khole'S🍹 - 26
(Columbus, 🍒🍷🍓ENCOUNTERS that jingle U'r bELLS)
BRAND NEW! Erotic COMBO Visits! Let's Have MUTUAL FUN! See Why I'm The NEW BEST Thing! Real Photos! - 32
(270 & Tuttle Crossing Blvd, Dublin, Columbus)
—— ►SWEET ►╠╣OT► • N 🍀 E 🍀 W • • S 🍀 T 🍀 A 🍀 F 🍀 F 🍀 S • • S 🍀 U 🍀 N 🍀 N 🍀 Y • —— ss - 24
(Cleveland, ✹ ✹ CALL TODAY 330.399.5556)
:) Pretty,Sexy n Exotic Blonde busty Girl w/soft hands,,Lets Play Guys!! - 30
(Columbus, North Columbus & Areas)
😉Share the True Art of Seduction👘Relax'N Sexy RUB DOWNS🎩@ Khole's Get'N U🍌right4 the wkEnd💃💃💃 - 26
(Columbus, NiteCap's🎩w/MAjIØR SK¡LLZ 2Nite@Khole's)
Khole's•★• ° ° {S!MPLY } •:* EROT!C ☆ ¨*: @M@zzZ!NG :*★¨*wEEkEnd MeLtDoWn ★¨{ eNCouNTeRs}•: *¨•☆*:• - 26
(Columbus, w*w*w.thesweetestcaramelapple.b*l*o*g*s*)
#####_____ FABULOUS ______ ***34 DD*** ____ SUPERHOT _____ EROTIC TOUCH _____ ALL REAL - 23
(Cleveland, Parma ❗️❗️❗️)
💋💨Hot Young Busty 40G Stallion💦Oily💦Body2Body Pros8Nuru Massage Always Avail💦💋 - 28
(All of Columbus 🚗🚘 incall M-F 8a-3p, Columbus)
★ Simply Can I Stroke that 4 you ★ in My CooL ReLax'N Get AwAy:)Let Me Pleasure you,Honey - 26
$110.00 Holiday Specials 4 u!! Come see what i have to offer!!Kiss me under the MISTLETOe - 30
(Columbus, my place or yours!)
Fri 03 Jan
U'r ♥ FRenCH ♥ Kiss’N ♥ ♨ Khole §weetHeart & Friends can make U feel AmazZing★ - 26
(Columbus, thesweetestcaramelapple.blogspot .com)
👉👉👍👍two thumbs up- ✨🙏magic fingers, 💪strong arms.➕👸beautiful‼💯LEGIT! So relaxing, ppl have dozed of - 23
w * w * w * . the *sweetest *caramel *apple.blogspot . *com KeeP'n U Feel'N LiKe A kid @ Christmas - 26
(Columbus, pic's specials @ Blogger not found on BP)
Wore out? Long work week, let me relax you with a massage that will rival the best spas!! - 23
(Columbus, Columbus Ohio)
Stressd? Erotic sensual bodyrub w/ Pretty, sexy n hot busty Blonde beauty, U Ready guys!! 454-1249
(Columbus, 270/Nrth.e. Columbus-nice area)
Khole's 👘 b👖y 2b👙y Spring Motion 💆Sure 2 Set U'r LightSaber on🔥RelaX 😎 w/Happy Hedonists💃💃💃 - 26
(Columbus, KholeADoorWay2UrHappyStarwarsMassage😎)
°KHOLE The Teacher is IN! °EXperience My Lingman or Prostate Relief - 26
(Columbus, CBUS $85 8am12noon m-f keepN the GoiNg)
Let's get hot w/Sexy n busty blonde w/roamg hands 4sensual Erotic bodyrub~don't miss out guys!! * - 33
(Columbus, Nrth Cols/ **Can Trvl too Out of Twn.)
☀️Avail AM/PM🌑😻Body Rubs By Britt🙌🔥Home Setting🏡💋Leave Happy😉✨Book Today😜💦 - 22
(Columbus, ✨Whitehall/Reynoldsburg ✨Check EPR✨)
⏝ ⏠⎠ Pleasure is My Business and My Business is a Pleasure Specials - 30
(Columbus, New Hot Sexy Honeycomb Hide-Away)
BuRr⛄⛄Khole 💏Defining Factor whether U're goiNg 2 have a good💋day or a GREAT 😼 DA¥ ♛ 716-242-9925 - 26
(Columbus, ♛Enjoy More Khole @ Blogger &Twitter; ♨)
💛Best Naked🙌Body Rub💙Only Incall Today💜Let Me Get u Hot!!💚Hurry Dont Miss Out📲(614)657-9003 - 23
(Columbus, Off W Broad st by Drs West Hospital)
SenSual HOt Oil MaSSage DriZZled in ChoCOlate with a SeXXy SliDe & EroTic ShoWer;) - 35
(Columbus, Sugar Rush 120 today!)
💛Sensual Naked🙌Body Rub💙💜Incall Specials!!💚Hurry Dont Miss Out📲(614)657-9003 - 23
(Columbus, Off W Broad st by Drs West Hospital)