Mon 27 Jan
WeEkEnD♛ eXxTrAvAgAnZa ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ SASHA & BLAKE♨FRIEND'S With ♨ ReLaXation♨ BENEFIT’s ♛ - 22
(Columbus, ♛Start or Finish w/Hot Erotic SHOWER♨)
What Have YOU Done For U Lately ♨ Pure Bliss w/KHOLE♨ Here 4 U New Happy V-day POST @ Blog & Twitter - 26
(Columbus, thesweetestcaramelapple.blogspot .com)
w ☃ w ☃ w ☃ . the *sweetest * caramel *apple.blogspot . ☃ com Khole's The Happiest Place on Earth ♨ - 26
(Columbus, ♪♛Start or Finish w/Hot Erotic SHOWER♨)
Whirlwind Wednesday w/ a sexy buxom Cherokee goddess, come check out my 70 special & leave happy! - 25
Tue Gm 9a NEW vid,pics TONi B massage with a sensual w side kinky glide fetish toys - 40
(Columbus, dublin /tuttle)
👉👉👍👍two thumbs up- ✨🙏magic fingers, 💪strong arms.➕👸beautiful‼💯LEGIT! So relaxing, ppl have dozed of - 23
👉👉👍👍two thumbs up- ✨🙏magic fingers, 💪strong arms.➕👸beautiful‼💯LEGIT! So relaxing, ppl have dozed of - 24
.... ** {Sweet} *_______* { ASIAN } *______* { VeRy ENTICING *Body Rubs* } ** - 23
(Columbus, {COLUMBUS})
Weekend 80 Specials! Come relax & unwind w/ Vivianne & her magic hands! AVAIL NOW! - 24
The ONE & ONLY! Most Talked About Gal! REVIEWED! True SENSUOUS Sessions & COMBO VISITS! *Real Pics* - 32
(270 & Tuttle Crossing Blvd, Dublin, Columbus)
____💋_ { Sweet Asian }... Erotic Body Rubs... * _💋_____ - 24
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / Westerville)
RelaXXX on pOint🎩@ Khole's U'r toes curl👣while U moan😘Yes w/ U'r 👀roll'N 🎰LeaV'n U Limp&LOOse;🐍 - 26
(Columbus, Khole's💃💃💃SUPER B|OCK BusterTWIST🍆💦)
❌❤️❤️💎💎💎💋____ { SWEET & SEDUCTiVE ASiAN } EROTiC BODy RUBs... * _____💋💎💎💎❤️❤️❌ - 25
(Columbus, { DUBLiN })
SASHA & BLAKE Can't waiT 2 seeヾ('-'*) ヾ(*''*)ノ (*'-') /~You this WeekEnd♨ReAdY 2 LeaVe U Breathless♛ - 22
(Columbus, ♛Start or Finish w/Hot Erotic SHOWER♨)
Stressd? Erotic n sensual bodyrub w/ Pretty n sexy hot busty Blonde, U Ready guys!! 454-1249 - 33
(Columbus, 270/Nrth.e. Columbus-nice area)
Start U'r Week Naugh👅💦ty w/ Khole💃Sasha💃& Blake💃We are in Cbus🎩4 same day Appts 👘614-980-9512 - 26
Stressd? fun n relaxg bodyrub w/ Pretty n sexy hot busty Blonde, U rdy guys!! 454-1249 - 33
(Columbus, 270/Nrth.e. Columbus-nice area)
SMMH ♨ Sensual MASSAGE Might Help ♨ Khole Leave'N ♨ E V E R Y Muscle In U'r Body LIMP & LOOSE ♛ - 26
(Columbus, ♛Start or Finish w/Hot Erotic Shower ♨)
💛Sensual Naked🙌Body Rub💙 One or Two Girls👯Incall or Outcall!!!💚Dont Wait!!📲(614)657-9003 - 23
(Columbus, Incall by Drs West-Outcall Columbus Area)
№ ➊ SExY 💃💃💃 EROT!C🍒🍶eNCouNTeRs 😉 4 U'R Mutual NAUGHTY MassaGe 👘 B🔔ll Jingle RelaXXXtion 😉 - 26
(Columbus, Wkend 💃💃💃 Happy🍒Happy🍶Massage😎)
💛Sensual Naked🙌Body Rub💙Out/Incall💜Sunday & Holiday Specials💚Hurry Dont Miss Out📲(614)657-9003 - 23
(Columbus, Incall or Outcall Anytime!!!)
^**^RelaXiNg , MoMents through the warmth of my Magic!^*^FEELINGS! $110.00 - 33
(Columbus, my place or yours!)
Sexy n hot busty blonde w/roamg hands 4sensual Erotic bodyrub~Lets Play! :) - 32
(Columbus, East Cbus/Grvprt & Can Trvl 2other plcs)
💛Sensual Naked🙌Body Rub💙Out/Incall💜New Year Specials💚Hurry Dont Miss Out📲(614)657-9003 - 23
(Columbus, Incall or Outcall Anytime!!!)
Sexy RelaXXXation w/Sinfully🍉Jμ¡©¥ 🍭gRiP's⭐MiNd😉💨BL¤₩¡NG L💋Ps&T;👣E cu💫ing Skills👐( . )🍶( . ) - 26
(Columbus, See Us💃💃💃Soon Traveling After Holiday)
❌❤️❤️💎💎💎💋____ { SEXy & Seductive ASiAN }... Erotic Body Rubs... * _____💋💎💎💎❤️❤️❌ - 25
(Columbus, Worthington - Polaris - Westerville)
💛Sensual Naked🙌Body Rub💙Incall Only Today💜Weekday Specials!!💚Hurry Dont Miss Out📲(614)657-9003 - 23
(Columbus, Incall in Dublin-Outcall Columbus Area)
SÕ MÅNy ♪ChÕiC€S ♨ BUT NÕN€ Lik€ THIS ♪ Ab0ve 0®dinary OMG = Khole ♨ PASSION 4 SEDUCTION - 26
(Columbus, ♛Start or Finish w/Hot Erotic SHOWER♨)
Pretty ReLaXed BODYShop ♥Show Me Where it Hurts♥SeXXy PamPeriNiSta maKes You fEEl Sooo G{O-O}D ;) - 100
(Columbus, SliPPeryS_l_i_d_e oVa the HuMp with 3D!)
💛Sensual Naked🙌Body Rub💙Incall & Outcall Today!!💚Hurry Dont Miss Out📲(614)657-9003 - 23
(Columbus, incall by Drs West/Outcall Columbus Area)
Private💋Cozy👐Naughty( . )( . )RelaXXX @ Khole's 👯👯👯 😉After Work Oily Creamy Potion🍶Massages - 26
(716-242-9925Khole's4SameDayAppts💋 👐 🍶, Columbus)
PLAYTIME With ASHLYN! Open MInded FUN With INTIMATE EXTRAS! Dirty NAUGHTY Entertainment! Real Pics! - 32
(Columbus, 270 & Tuttle Crossing Blvd, Dublin)
Say hello to the month of July & take an evening for yourself! Avail Now! - 25
(Columbus, 23 & 270 / POLARIS /WORTHINGTON)
RelaXation and Stress Relief with A Touch of HeaVen *Blue MonDays* - 35
(Columbus, Let Me Soooothe & Carresss U;))
>Relieve Stresss :) "Exotic busty Blonde Pretty n Sexy for Hot Senual Rubdwn,Call Me now,Play Guys! - 30
(Nrth Columbus & Areas)
Relax & Unwind EROTIC🍒🍷🍓ENCOUNTERS steamy visuals,warm oil, shower @ 😍 Khole's Happy Hedonist 💕 - 26
(Columbus, 🍒🍷🍓ENCOUNTERS that jingle U'r bELLS)
💯% rEaL❗ 💎eXcLuSiVe VIP💎 TrEaTmEnT👅🍆😻💦💋Nuru SpL💋 - 28
(All of Columbus 🚗🚘 incall M-F 8a-3p, Columbus)
P€RF€CT♋️ Holiday RelaXXXatiOn 😎 Light Ur🔥w/Steamy💕Visuals Warm Oil 👐 💋 & ( . )( . ) Just 4U😎 - 26
(Columbus, See Us💃💃💃Soon Traveling After Holiday)
N U R U * B O D Y 2 B O D Y * S L I D E & * * P R O S T A T E * * Massage by Kennedy - 27
(Columbus, D O W N T O W N)
Once In A Lifetime EXPERIENCE! SENSUAL & EROTIC Sessions! Beautiful & Mature SEXY BLONDE! *REVIEWED* - 32
(270 & Tuttle Crossing Blvd, Dublin, Columbus)
Need 2Relax bb? fun n relaxg bodyrub w/ Pretty n sexy hot busty Blonde, U rdy guys :) - 33
(33/S.e Columbus.,nice area, Columbus)
😉Look'N 4a Breezy Cool Sensual🍓Relax'N Sexy RUB DOWN🎩Slippery Oil👙RiDes EverytiMe @Khole's💃💃💃 - 26
(Columbus, Open Late🎆4🎆EROTIC🍓ENCOUNTERS)
⏝ ⏠⎠ Pleasure* Playmate * Daja* It's a Holiday* Sure* I'll Try that Position - 30
(Columbus, New Hot Sexy Honeycomb Hide-Away)
New Year Hottie :) " Pretty n Sexy exotic Blonde for Hot n fun Sensual Rubdwn,,Call Me Play Guys!! - 30
(Nrth Columbus & Areas)
Private💋Cozy👐Naughty( . )( . )Khole's💃💃💃RelaXXX Ur Body😉Oily Potions🍶Creamy💆Massages👙 - 26
(Columbus, E.Cbus💃💃💃open late @Khole's💋👐🍶)
My HOT Oil RuBBn is Um Ummmm GoOOoD♥ WARMS the Body SoOOothes the Soul;) - 100
(Columbus, $20 off Rub or Free 3D/ Free Slide w/3D)
Monday☯️ Harmony 🎩@ Khole's👘Oily Potions🍶Creamy Lotions 💆Massage w/an Intimate Motion🌀&Twist; - 26
(Columbus, ☯️Kholes👘Ur Start 2 a Great Week☯️)
💦👅LiteSkin Beauty💋😻 Come Get Pampered Today🙌💆Available😻😜Call Now📱 - 23
(Columbus, ✨close to 70/270 Reynoldsburg✨ READ AD!!)
Let's get hot w/Sexy n busty blonde w/roamg hands 4sensual Erotic bodyrub~don't miss out guys!! * - 33
(Columbus, Nrth Cols/ **Can Trvl too Out of Twn.)
Mischievous:) Khole & Friends WeeKeNd RelaXatiOn ♨*:•.★.•: *: We can make U feel AmazZing*:•.★.•: - 26
(Columbus, ♛Start or Finish w/Hot Erotic SHOWER♨)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* Looking for a Good Time? MY PLEASURE _Massages, Nibbles and Whispers of Sexy Secrets:) - 30
Now meet w/hot,Pretty n Sexy busty Blonde, U rdy 2relax guys! - 33
(Columbus, Nrthwst Columbus area & Trvl othr Areas)
Need 2Relax? fun n relaxg bodyrub w/ Pretty n sexy hot busty Blonde, U rdy guys :) 454-1249 - 33
(Columbus, 270/Nrth.E.,nice area)
Khole'S BuRrr Alert❄Touch'N My Sweet Lil 😼She Burst W/sWeet Berry WkEnd ReLaXation 4 U'r MasSage💏 - 26
(Columbus, hOtoil💋& (. )(. )L!ng-an&ProState; 4 U)
Need 2Relax bb? fun n relaxg bodyrub w/ Pretty n sexy hot busty Blonde, U rdy guys :) 454-1249 - 33
(33/S.e Columbus.,nice area, Columbus)
♨ Khole'S Warm UP w ☃ w ☃ w ☃ . the *sweetest * caramel *apple.blogspot . ☃ com New Monday Post:)♛ - 26
(Columbus, ♛Start or Finish w/Hot Erotic SHOWER♨)
New Wednesday Read @ Blog & Twitter ♨ Khole Leave'N ♨ E V E R Y Muscle In U'r Body LIMP & LOOSE ♛ - 26
(Columbus, ♛Start or Finish w/Hot Erotic Shower ♨)
MaKing U Feel & LOOk liKe a NeW MaN! BoDywork by AyAnA**Let Me SoooThe and Carress U;) - 35
(Columbus, The BallS in Ur CoUrt, don't PaSS;))
Khole'S store'N lotS of 😼SENSUAL WicKed PaSsion in My CarAmel Sexy CURVY👙Above n BeyOnd hOt oil 💏 - 26
(Columbus, ♛Hot Erotic SHOWER HaPpyLingan-prostate)
Jenny's Wednesday Special 💋🌬 Discretion is my profession- - 29
(Columbus, Hilliard, Galloway, Columbus)
KholeS💋💄🌹 Red Light Special 💋💄🌹 Room of Pleasure & Adventure 👅💏 Come Playin my Waterpark💏💋 - 26
(Columbus, Hot & ready♥L!ng-an & ProState♛anytime!)
I'm Your STRONGEST TEMPTATION.. Sexy Gal For MUTUAL FUN! Let Me Show You What You've Been Missing! - 32
(270 & Tuttle Crossing Blvd, Dublin, Chillicothe, Columbus, Lima/Findlay, Zanesville/Cambridge)
⎝ ◕ ‿ ◕ ⎠Melt In BLISS..Sexy RUB DOWNS🎩Enjoy Our Time2gether🍸@ Khole's TOYS🍭💃💃💃LINGERIE💋HEELS - 26
(Columbus, Open Late🍷Nite 4EROTIC 🍒🍓ENCOUNTERS)
♨ Khole & Friends Happy WeeekEnd ♥ We KN◯W Jus† H◯W T◯ MAKє Y◯U SMϊLє ♥ take off all U'r clothes:) - 26
(Columbus, thesweetestcaramelapple.blogspot .com)
♨ KHOLE's Warm Up ☃ Ultimate RelaXatiOn Spεciαℓs ☃ Warm Oils Deep Strokes ♨ ReLaX by the FirePlace ♨ - 26
(Columbus, ♛Start or Finish w/Hot Erotic SHOWER♨)
Holiday Stressd :) " Pretty n Sexy exotic Blonde for Hot n fun Sensual Rubdwn,,Call Me Play Guys!! - 30
(Nrth Columbus & Areas)
° Hot 4 Teacher, Khole's IN! °EXperience My Lingman or Prostate Relief - 26
(Columbus, CBUS $85 9am-2pm keepN the MOod Hot.)
Kholes №➊ ReQUESTED L!ng-man or ProstatE PLEASURE $85 special Lose the Stress balls - 26
(Columbus, cold a/c New Times New Look at ))
Khole & Friends Sure 2 Set U'r L💏INS on🔥ReLaX @ a SexY Masseuses Hot Spot~hOt oil 💋& (. )(. ) 4 U - 26
(Columbus, hOtoil💋& (. )(. )L!ng-an&ProState4HandS;)
I Aim To Please!👯Sensual Nude body Rub!💦Let Me Show You Now! No Wait No Games! 📲(614)657-9003 - 23
(Columbus, Outcall Only!!... to Columbus Are!!!!)
HIGHLY REVIEWED! Playtime With ASHLYN! Open Minded FUN With INTIMATE Extras! NAUGHTY Entertainment! - 32
(270 & Tuttle Crossing Blvd, Dublin, Columbus)
° Isn't it Time You Spent an UnForgettable Hour getting a Massage? °SeXY iN EvERY WaY× - 26
(Columbus, CBUS $85/4PM-8pm SPECIALs)