Mon 27 Jan
**CoMe B My DaDDy**100/hr 60/hhr**RaINy DaY SpEcIaL**FoR U FaThErS! NeW ProStaTe MaSSage!! - 35
(Columbus, Dublin 270 n Sawmill)
Nikki!!! NEW PHOTOS!*** Berwick/Bexley Great reviews!!! ***New services! Specials till Saturday *** - 26
(Berwick/Bexley East side, Columbus)
💕 Italian Goddess!! 24hr OUTCALL!! PeTiTE beAuty w AMAZING SKILLS💋614-330-5135/ AVAILABLE ANYTIME - 25
FREE UPGRADE!!ENJOY THE SUNSHINE with Chelsea!!! Nude Massage!! Mutual Touch!! - 35
(Columbus, Worthington 270 n 23 area)
DESIRABLE UPGRADES w/LADY'S Touch!!! Nude/Mutual Touch Body Rubs!! - 35
(Columbus, Dublin 270 n Sawmill)
Tue 21 Jan
Ur New Yr babe,hot & busty blonde 4sensual Erotic bodyrub w/majic hands!- Wanta Play guys!! - 33
(Columbus, 270/morse **Can Trvl Out of Twn too.)
Sensual Goddess awaits your call 75.00 specials ...working late tonight!! - 27
(Columbus, Your home or hotel also have in call)
~*LetS MakE SunDay FunDay W/me*~ HOT BRUNETTE ))★ █ ▬▬▬▬▬ •★• ▬▬▬▬▬█ FuNNNN - 24
(Columbus, Columbus, Ohio)
]>]>]>]Forget the rest you have found the best!!!]>]>] - 30
(Columbus, In call Grove city/ out call)
Wed 08 Jan
]>]>]>]Forget the rest you have found the best!!!]>]>] - 30
(Columbus, In call Grove city/ out call)
Tue 07 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
Tired of being teased and just want to be pleased!! 80$ out calls all night!!!! - 42
(Columbus, North Columbus/ Vicinity)
Fri 03 Jan