Mon 27 Jan
NurSe AyAnA onCall 2 give U aLLL the RuuBBn U NeeeD ;)) - 35
(Columbus, 90 today! Just what the Doctor ordered;))
AyAnA DaRLing**My BoDyWork will MaKe U VeRRy HaPPy;)) - 35
(Columbus, 90 Today! Show me where it Hurts;))
NurSe AyAnA onCall 2 give U allll the RuuBBn U NeeeD ;)) - 35
(Columbus, Just what the Doctor ordered;))
Tue 21 Jan
NurSe AyAnA onCall 2 give U aLLL the RuuBBn U NeeeD ;)) - 35
(Columbus, 90 today! Just what the Doctor ordered;))
AyAnA DaRLing**My BoDyWork will MaKe U VeRRy HaPPy;)) - 35
(Columbus, 90 Today! Show me where it Hurts;))
Sun 05 Jan