Mon 27 Jan
🍒Enjoy Ultimate Escape w/ REAL Exotic Massage; Immediate Out or In @Private Residence(614)975-5871 - 28
(Brice Rd Residential In or 24/7 OUT, Columbus)
Curvy ~ Mature ~ BusTy Brown Eyed Brunette!!! Incall Specials!!! Andrea's Back!!!! - 32
(Columbus, Brice rd incall / outcall within the hr!)
Cme Xplore myGalaxy let dis BigBooty DredHead HzelEyes Goddess tkeU2Xstasy letsHve LoadsOfFun60specl - 99
(Columbus, OUTCALL/INCALL BRICE-Rd 419•514☎8739)
ABSOLUTELY LAST TIME TO BOOK ME ★#BESTNCOLUMBUS ★√ Last Call for Newbies √★ ★ Arrivederci←™ ☆ - 24
(Columbus, incall brice rd/ outcall perfers outcall)
New** Mature Busty Brunette **Incall Specials Lunch time!!! "Well Reviewed" 2 girl Special! - 34
(Columbus, East * Brice Rd Incall/Outcall Specials!)
★ HugE Memorial Day SPECIAL 2DAY ★√ √★ Click H€®€★←™ ☆ #fuckdarestimdabest! ☆√ √☆★ 100.00 flat rate - 24
(Columbus, incall brice rd/ outcall perfers outcall)
Tue 21 Jan
** Awesome In Or Outcall Specials* Pure Class W A Phenominal Ass! 614 615-3038 - 28
(Columbus, East and Outcall)
ABSOLUTELY LAST TIME TO BOOK ME ★#BESTNCOLUMBUS ★√ Last Call for Newbies √★ ★ Arrivederci←™ ☆ - 24
(Columbus, incall brice rd/ outcall perfers outcall)
New** Mature Busty Brunette **Incall Specials ALL NIGHT!!! "Well Reviewed" 2 girl Special! - 34
(Columbus, East * Brice Rd Incall/Outcall Specials!)
New** Mature Busty Brunette **Incall*outcall specials!! "Well Reviewed" 2 girl Special! - 34
(Columbus, East * Brice Rd Incall/Outcall Specials!)
Fri 10 Jan
♥♥♥ Natural Mature Mama ♥♥♥ Hairy BUSH ♥♥♥ 6one4.8six7.zero3one9 ♥♥♥ - 42
(Columbus, Brice Rd., Reynoldsburg incall & outcall)
Thu 09 Jan
Cme Xplore myGalaxy let dis BigBooty DredHead HzelEyes Goddess tkeU2Xstasy letsHve LoadsOfFun60specl - 99
(Columbus, OUTCALL/INCALL BRICE-Rd 419•514☎8739)
★★√IM HERE★ Dnt Mi$$ Me AgAiN!★ ←™ ☆★☆√ CALL ME NOW!! 100% FREE if Not Me√☆★☆ - 25
(Columbus, incall brice rd/outcall prefer outcalls)
Mon 06 Jan
;¯`':¦:- JuIcY¯`':¦: BoOtY ;¯`':¦:- EbOnY ¯`':¦:- :¦:- COME SEE!!!!!! - - 26
★ HugE Memorial Day SPECIAL 2DAY ★√ √★ Click H€®€★←™ ☆ #fuckdarestimdabest! ☆√ √☆★ 100.00 flat rate - 24
(Columbus, incall brice rd/ outcall perfers outcall)
Sun 05 Jan
♥♥♥ Natural Mature Mama ♥♥♥ Hairy BUSH ♥♥♥ 6one4.8six7.zero3one9 ♥♥♥ - 42
(Columbus, Brice Rd., Reynoldsburg incall & outcall)
🍒Enjoy Ultimate Escape W/out Leaving House. Exotic Massage 24/7 Outcall or Brice In(614)517-5212 - 28
(Columbus, OUTCALLor Brice Rd Incall)
Sat 04 Jan
★★√Mz NyQuil IS BACK★W/★ ←™ ☆★☆√ 75 HH CALL ME NOW!! $P€¢T@¢UL@® $P€¢I@L$√☆★☆ - 25
(Columbus, incall brice rd/outcall prefer outcalls)
★★√Mz NyQuil IS BACK★W/★ ←™ ☆★☆√ $P€¢T@¢UL@® $P€¢I@L$√☆★☆ - 25
(Columbus, incall brice rd/outcall prefer outcalls)
Curvy ~ Mature ~ BusTy Brown Eyed Brunette!!! Incall Specials!!! Andrea's Back!!!! - 32
(Columbus, Brice rd incall / outcall within the hr!)
Fri 03 Jan
★★√Mz NyQuil IS BACK★W/★ ←™ ☆★☆√ 75 HH CALL ME NOW!! $P€¢T@¢UL@® $P€¢I@L$√☆★☆ - 25
(Columbus, incall brice rd/outcall prefer outcalls)
New** Mature Busty Brunette **Incall Specials Lunch time!!! "Well Reviewed" 2 girl Special! - 34
(Columbus, East * Brice Rd Incall/Outcall Specials!)
New** Mature Busty Brunette **Incall Specials ALL NIGHT!!! "Well Reviewed" 2 girl Special! - 34
(Columbus, East * Brice Rd Incall/Outcall Specials!)
;¯`':¦:- JuIcY¯`':¦: BoOtY ;¯`':¦:- EbOnY ¯`':¦:- :¦:- COME SEE!!!!!! - - 26
★★√Mz NyQuil IS BACK★W/★ ←™ ☆★☆√ $P€¢T@¢UL@® $P€¢I@L$√☆★☆ - 25
(Columbus, incall brice rd/outcall prefer outcalls)
★★√IM HERE★ Dnt Mi$$ Me AgAiN!★ ←™ ☆★☆√ CALL ME NOW!! 100% FREE if Not Me√☆★☆ - 25
(Columbus, incall brice rd/outcall prefer outcalls)
Thu 02 Jan