Mon 27 Jan
Visit Video from Sat BellaToni 100Hr massage/bodyrub 34DDD End escort fetish toy sensual tease Wknd - 38
(Columbus, in north Cbus off 71 Pics every angle4 U)
You must be this tall to go on this thrill ride. Up north all nite specials - 41
(Columbus, north cols)
SPECIAL**STOP ✋RiGHT THΞRΞ 👆§H£👇ⓙⓤⓢⓣ🇨🅰🇳"🇹🇨💋🇲🇵🇪🇹🇪₩iTH 🇹🇭ⓘs VANILLA TREAT 💕👄 - 21
The Girl Mom Warned You About.... Is All Grown Up Now! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
Sexy Single And Ready For You..... Call Milli And Ease Your Mind - 24
(Columbus, Olentangy campus area)
SARA ❤ Seeking. Regulars. ❤❤ 60 SPECIAL half 120 hour 💋💋💕 Playful & Sweet ⭐ - 30
(Columbus, Outcall only)
Relieve you're stress on St. Patrick's Day with a Mature Beauty 🍀🍀💋(UR friends will be GREEN with envy) - 44
(Columbus, Columbus,Hilliard)
▓█— ▓█ — ▓█——— SPECIAL "4" HAND MASSAGE _ Sweet ASIAN Massage N*e w Staff *★* ——513-388-9696——— - 25
(Cincinnati, 8431 beechmont ave cincinnati oh 45255)
Rub a Dub Dub 4Hand Bikini Rub & Soapy Scrub $120*Pretty Relaxed* Always Fun in the Sun! - 100
(Columbus, Rush Hour Special!)
💕OUTCALL SPECIALS Avail LATE -Reviewed- NO RUSH Session With A REAL Lmt -Free Mutual Touch &Topless; 💕 - 22
(Columbus, OUTCALL Only)
NUDE & MUTUAL TOUCH Included - Licensed - Monday SPECIALS!!!- Private Residence - Avail NOW - 21
(Columbus, north columbus)
NEW *FuN sIzE* Ebony COLLEGE CuTiE!!! Nude bodyrubs and NURU bodyslides ;) new pics!! - 19
(Columbus, OUTCALL preferred INCALL available)
ReLaXation and StreSs RelieF 2 get U oVer tHe HuMp; - 35
(Columbus, 85 hr today! Relax and Unwind;))
* REAL Theraputic Body Rub*60 Rose Incall Special **In/out (614) 949-0738*** - 26
(Columbus, North and Out Call)
MAGIC LIPS & FINGERTIPS. Early and Lunch Appointments. 80 Roses 975 7314** - 30
(Columbus, 161(North-East)& Outcalls)
Pure Plea$ure Nude Rub down Here to help you feel relax - 21
(Columbus, 71n and Webber rd incall/out call all CO)
Ready to relax call me I have the magic hands you Ned. Abigail $60 incall - 42
(Columbus, 71 north and 161)
OUTCALL SPECIALS. So Call me EMILY to see how the best pleases real men! Outcalls only - 21
(Columbus, Columbus vicinity)
feeling lazy and want someone to coume to you that you can trust You hotter c.f.!! - 44
(Columbus, Columbus/Vicinitywest in)
😎 Keep Rising to the Top👆all that You can Bee 🐝 with a H🔥t BodyRub Dripping Honey✨HeaVy on the Cream 🍶 Pretty〽️Relaxed🍯🐝 Body⚪️Shop - 40
(Columbus, So Um Good💧I'm Often Imitated)
Hey guys. Its Mallory and I want all of u to meet my girl Mellody. 2 very sexy girls.... - 32
(Columbus, west Columbus)
::♥:: Exotic and Petite with an Addictive Touch ::: No Upselling ;;♥:: Avail.24/7 - 22
(Columbus, Incall and Outcall)
(( ♥ )) ((BROOKLYN Sweetheart MASSAGES* NeW PiCs* Great Review!!! AVaiLaBlE NoW (( ♥ )) - 20
(Columbus, ic /oc come see avail 24/7 easton)
BaD DaY??? LeT KRIS TakE CaRe of YOU!!! CaLL NOW outcall all night - 43
(Columbus, Col/Vicinity east in out)
AyAnA DarLing* LeaVing SooN! Come get Your FathersDay RuB & SliDe! - 36
(Columbus, Relax, Exhale, Unwind)
Awesome body rub & MORE affectionate openminded & lots of fun - 29
(Columbus, noth of downtown columbus)
★ 💋(๏人 ๏)_ HOT ¥OUNG Stallion -💦 OILY 💦Bod¥2Bod¥ PROS8 NURU☆😘☆ Always Avail - 28
(Columbus, East Cols 🚘 Out 24/7 incall)
📲614-641-3203📱 💲60💲 ss incall start off ur morn with me. Im Cali. Reviews are on line.. - 26
(Columbus, Columbus In Call and out call)
5'3 Slim Latina Girl - 19
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Columbus, Local Area & Suburbs, Mansfield, Youngstown)
***ZOEY*** sensual / theraputic §§NUDE +FULL Body Rub§§ - 23
(Columbus, north side private residence)
You KnOw What DaY iT is. So Lets gEt OveR thAt HuMp! Pretty ReLaXed* FanTasy MaSsaGe - 100
(Columbus, BikiNi RuB $50h/$90hr, Slide $80h/$160)
unbeatable SPECIALS 80$ hr let my soft touch/Hands take your stress away Kissable &more; - 29
(Columbus, north private home)
Specials all week! Treat your SELF to Blissful, Sensual & Healing Tantra Massage - 47
(Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, N. Cincinnati ~ New 4-star facility!)
will leave you wondering why you haven't been pampered like this before *very exotic bombshell* hablo espanol - 25
(Columbus, east private location close to bexley)
Sexy Cat Kholes ×° Stockings , Stilettos, & Toy's 4 Your or ProSt@te TEMPTAT!ON - 26
(Columbus, PRIDE WeekEnd Specials)
Specials all week! Your Holiday Season Treat to YOUR SELF: Blissful & Healing Tantra Massage - 48
(Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, N. Cincinnati ~ New 4-star facility!)
🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻Sun Flowers & My Magical Touch🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺For an ENCHANTING Experience⚘⚘ - 30
(Columbus, Reynoldsburg)
***Relaxing stress relief w/ Andrea's Best Body Rubs!!!! - 32
(Columbus, East incall specials or Outcall to u!!!)
█▒North 60HALF!! █▒BODYRUBS▒▒█ NÕN€ Lik€ THIS █▒ 24/7█▒ █▒ €XÂC†L¥ WH† U Ñ€€Ð █▒ █▒ - 22
(Columbus, HOUR massage 100 incall only)
MaRch MaNlaXation MaDneSs! BoDyWork by AyAnA**Let Me SoooThe and Carress U;) - 35
(Columbus, The BallS in Ur CoUrt, don't PaSS;))
I'M BACK EROTIC SENSUAL NUDE Body Rub Outcall*only AWESOME Reviews Full/hr$120 Flat rate!!💯* - 34
(Columbus, Outcall hotel, house, aptcolumbus area y)