Mon 27 Jan
Snuggle Up by the Fire with a Hot Totty. As I Melt Ur Body & SoOOothe the Soul.... Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, TGI Phenomenal Pampering & Free Cocktail)
Pretty ReLaXed BODYShop ♥Show Me Where it Hurts♥SeXXy PamPeriNiSta maKes You fEEl Sooo G{O-O}D ;) - 100
(Columbus, SliPPeryS_l_i_d_e oVa the HuMp with 3D!)
R U Ready 2 B Pampered from He@d 2 Toe until Ur Pretty Relaxed? I'm Waiting...Just a Call Away! - 100
(Columbus, LOOk & Feel like a New Man! SpeCials)
Let's Get Warm, Cozy & Pretty Relaxed * Hot Oils, Smooth Touch, Phenomenal Pampering. - 100
(Columbus, Daily Specials!)
I wanna Rub U from He@d 2 Toe, Scrub U Down & Soap U Up @Pretty Relaxed* Pampering Beauty! - 100
(Columbus, LOOk & Feel like a New Man! TREAT Urself)
AyAnA DarLing* LeaVing SooN! Come get Your FathersDay RuB & SliDe! - 36
(Columbus, Relax, Exhale, Unwind)
With Hot Oils, My Smooth Touch, & Phenomenal Pampering You Can't Help but Be Pretty Relaxed! - 100
(Columbus, Earlybird Stiletto Specials!)
TouChDoWn*Pretty ReLaXed* FanTasy FOOtBall with The BucKeYe SliDe! - 100
(Columbus, WelCome to the CO. PGA SpeCials!)
Make Your Hump Day Warm ,Cozy & Pretty Relaxed * Phenomenal Pamperinista here 4 You! - 100
(Columbus, Afternoon Specials!)
((65 HALF HOUR) {TALENTED} (( Erotic)) { Addictive} (NON_RUSH) (( Body rubs)) - 25
(Columbus, off 71n)
Tue 21 Jan
WKND SPCL 80hr massage/bodyrub review verifiable, sensual touchy italian ,34DDD love love lcontact - 38
(Columbus, dublin)
TWO GIRLS 125💛😚💫Absolute 💛😚💫Must 💛😚💫Have 💛😚💫 4 hands 2 Hotties 💛😚💫442-300-83o5 💛😚💫200Hr NURU 2Girls - 25
(Columbus, TWO GIRLS 💛😚💫125HH-200HR💛😚💫Two Girls)
Pretty ReLaXed BODYShop ♥Show Me Where it Hurts♥SeXXy PamPeriNiSta maKes You fEEl Sooo G{O-O}D ;) - 100
(Columbus, SliPPeryS_l_i_d_e oVa the HuMp with 3D!)
Lay Your He@d on My PilloW & JuSt ReLaX:) Let My Hands M@ke LuV 2 Your BoDy! - 35
(Columbus, RuBBing YoU in Allll the RiGht PlaCes;))
Hot💦Oil MaSsages Snuggled by the Fire🔥sloWly Gliding AcroSs Ur Body as RainDrops Fall💫 The Body🎨Shop - 40
(Columbus, East Pretty🌸Relaxed UmBrella of Relief☔)
Enjoy Southern HoSpitality w/a PheNoMenal PaMperiNiSta @ Pretty RelaXed*The PaSsion for Pampering U! - 100
(Columbus, Stiletto Sunday Specials U Deserve!)
FastBreak 2 Pretty ReLaXed BODYShop ♥ SeXXy ReF PutN StreSS in TimeOut♥ ReBound Your Day;) - 100
(Columbus, March MadNess Darling.... NEW PICS!)
■■■ ☆Be Enchanted Today☆ ■■■ [ CHECK MY REVIEWS] ■■■ 24/7 ■■■ NUDE150 - 22
(Columbus, 50 special HH)
Bikini Rubs, BodyScrubs, CocoNut SliDes *Pretty RelaXed* WheRe its AlWays SoaPy FuN!
(Columbus, Bikini $60h,$90hr,$130cs Free Scrub!)
Cozy Up by the Fire & let My Hot Oils & Smooth Touch Make U Feel Victorious..... Pretty RelaXed! - 100
(Columbus, Lets Go BuCks! SPECIALS)
😉🙌BodyWorker Britt😻😜Outcalls/Incall available💋💦Always Leave Happy😃😏 - 22
(Columbus, E Main St Whitehall)
((80 HALF HOUR) {TALENTED} (( Erotic)) { Addictive} (NON_RUSH) (( Body rubs)) - 25
(Columbus, 80hh north broadway and 71n)
Almost my Bday! Candace, COME GET YOUR CHOCOLATE FIX! Try my LOLLIPOPS! (White Gentlemen only plz:) - 44
(Columbus, East nea 270 close cmhWhite men only plz)
Mon 06 Jan
TWO GIRLS 125💛😚💫Absolute 💛😚💫Must 💛😚💫Have 💛😚💫 4 hands 2 Hotties 💛😚💫442-300-83o5 💛😚💫200Hr NURU 2Girls - 25
(Columbus, TWO GIRLS 💛😚💫125HH-200HR💛😚💫Two Girls)
FastBreak 2 Pretty ReLaXed BODYShop ♥ SeXXy ReF PutN StreSS in TimeOut♥ ReBound Your Day;) - 100
(Columbus, March MadNess Darling.... NEW PICS!)
Sun 05 Jan
60hh 100hr Super Soft Hands Get Your Massage Today (160 90minutes) - 22
(Columbus, UP LATE North columbus 24/7)
Sat 04 Jan
DriZZln WARM Oil *100% SmoKin HOT PamperiNiSta N 3D cOOcoNut S_L_I_D_N w/Ur sipN JaCk meltN RocKs;) - 100
(Columbus, Pretty RelaXed Cure for the Winter Blues)
CoZy Hot Oil 💦MaSsages by the Fire🔥 sloWly Gliding AcroSs Ur Body it's a LoVely🌞Day💫 The Body🚘Shop💨 - 40
(Columbus, Phenomenal BodyWork of a LifeTime 👏👏👏)
😉🙌BodyWorker Britt😻😜Outcalls/Incall available💋💦Always Leave Happy😃😏 - 22
(Columbus, E Main St Whitehall)
Fri 03 Jan
Take Time Out to Look & Feel Like a New Man,2 B Pampered from He@d 2 Toe until Ur Pretty Relaxed! - 100
Thu 02 Jan
Lots of Kisses💋Candace Mutual TOUCH! Try my LOLLIPOPS 75! (White Gentlemen only plz:) - 45
(Columbus, East near 270/CMH White men only plz)