Mon 27 Jan
Ladies!! I'm here to take care of all of Your Aches and Pains. Mr Handyman. - 34
(Columbus, North 2Day!)
🎭 5➰ Shades〰Hot🍵Oily waVes 🌊 take You 2 the Edge📐 Slip into R&R;〽️ Maintain UniBody🔗 - 40
(Columbus, Pretty💮Relaxed Body🔵Shop💈NORTH 2day)
Tue 21 Jan
Ladies!! I'm here to take care of all of Your Aches and Pains. Mr Handyman. - 34
(Columbus, North 2Day!)
Sun 12 Jan
🎭 5➰ Shades〰IriDeScent WaVes maKe U loSe coNtrol〰 〽️y R&R;🔆 CaptiVates 🔶Relax🔷 Let it g🔵 - 40
(Columbus, Pretty💮Relaxed Body🔵Shop💈Reynoldsburg)
Mon 06 Jan
🎭 5➰ Shades〰IriDeScent WaVes maKe U loSe coNtrol〰 〽️y R&R;🔆 CaptiVates 🔶Relax🔷 Let it g🔵 - 40
(Columbus, Pretty💮Relaxed Body🔵Shop💈Reynoldsburg)
Sat 04 Jan