Mon 27 Jan
You must be this tall to go on this thrill ride. Up north all nite specials - 41
(Columbus, north cols)
R u READY for the BEST BODY RUB in town? BELLA 614.584.5372 **CALL FOR SPECIALS** - 29
(Columbus, North Cols)
FULL BODY rubdown.. Beautiful, Sensual brunette available today - 32
(Columbus, Worthington or your place)
❥♥❥♥❥♥❥♥ BEST BODY RUB in town!! ❥♥❥♥❥♥❥♥ See for yourself :) ** 614.584.5372 ** CALL NoW! - 29
(Columbus, North Cols)
Tired of being teased and just want to be please!!!! Specials!!! 80$ out call till 12 pm ! - 42
(Columbus, North Columbus/ Vicinity)
Tue 21 Jan
The BEST in COLUMBUS, LOOK NO farther *Wednesday SpEcIaLs* **Highly Reviewed** - 28
(Columbus, North Cols)
You must be this tall to go on this thrill ride. Up north all nite specials - 41
(Columbus, north cols)
R u READY for the BEST BODY RUB in town? BELLA 614.584.5372 **CALL FOR SPECIALS** - 29
(Columbus, North Cols)
R u READY for the BEST BODY RUB in town? Look no further BELLA 614.584.5372 - 29
(Columbus, North Cols)
❥♥❥♥❥♥❥♥ BEST BODY RUB in town!! ❥♥❥♥❥♥❥♥ See for yourself :) ** 614.584.5372 ** CALL NoW! - 29
(Columbus, North Cols)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
R u READY for the BEST BODY RUB in town? SuNdAy FuNdAy W/ BELLA 614.584.5372 **CALL NoW - 29
(Columbus, North Cols)
Sat 04 Jan
R u READY for the BEST BODY RUB in town? Look no further BELLA 614.584.5372 - 29
(Columbus, North Cols)
Fri 03 Jan
R u READY for the BEST BODY RUB in town? SuNdAy FuNdAy W/ BELLA 614.584.5372 **CALL NoW - 29
(Columbus, North Cols)
Thu 02 Jan